Disclaimer for Bowmaking Classes

Bowmaker.ca / SandrineLhermenierArchetiere provides bowmaking classes as a service to individuals interested in learning the craft. By participating in our classes, you acknowledge and agree to the following:

1. **Assumption of Risk:** Bowmaking involves the use of tools and materials that may pose inherent risks, including but not limited to cuts, burns, and injuries from handling equipment. Participants understand and accept these risks, and agree to exercise caution and follow safety instructions provided by instructors.

2. **Safety Precautions:** Participants are responsible for their own safety during classes. It is important to use appropriate safety equipment, such as safety glasses and gloves, and to handle tools and materials with care. Failure to do so may result in injury.

3. **Skill Level:** Our classes cater to individuals of various skill levels, from beginners to advanced. Participants are encouraged to select classes that align with their current level of experience and expertise. [Bowmaker.ca / SandrineLhermenierArchetiere is not liable for any dissatisfaction or perceived lack of suitability regarding the skill level of the class.

4. **Liability Waiver:** By participating in our bowmaking classes, participants release Bowmaker.ca / SandrineLhermenierArchetiere, its instructors, and staff from any liability for personal injury, property damage, or other losses that may occur during the course of the class. This includes but is not limited to injuries sustained while using equipment, tools, or materials provided during the class.

5. **Photography and Media:** Bowmaker.ca / SandrineLhermenierArchetiere may take photographs or videos during classes for promotional purposes. By participating, participants consent to the use of their likeness in such promotional materials without compensation.

6. **Cancellation and Refunds:** Bowmaker.ca / SandrineLhermenierArchetiere reserves the right to cancel or reschedule classes due to unforeseen circumstances or low enrollment. In such cases, participants will be notified promptly, and efforts will be made to accommodate them in an alternative class. Refunds will be provided for canceled classes upon request.

By registering for and participating in our bowmaking classes, participants acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agreed to the terms outlined in this disclaimer.